Ektoras Real Estate интегрира авангардни научни и инженерни постижения с дълбокия опит, натрупан от поколения наши строителни професионалисти. Това сливане ни дава възможност да трансформираме вашите най-възвишени стремежи и концепции в реалност. Нашата строителна мощ, ръководена от висококвалифицирани експерти, съответства на иновациите, вградени в нашите методологии за проектиране и строителство. Това включва прецизен подбор на материали, непрекъснат надзор на всеки етап от проекта и рационализирано управление на проекта.
At Ektoras Real Estate, we orchestrate comprehensive construction supervision spanning from initial design plans to final execution. Our proficient team expedites the construction of your Greek house while minimizing costs.
Our construction process revolves around the finest building materials and advanced technical solutions to ensure project safety, comfort, and practicality. Our dedicated team aids in material selection and design choices that harmonize with your local surroundings. The outcome is the realization of your vision, guided by our team’s expertise.
Our expertise spans the full gamut of house construction services in Greece. From system designs to facade embellishments, roofing, flooring, and various construction tasks, our skilled engineers and construction teams proficiently handle them all.
Before delving into design development, our engineers meticulously craft an optimal architectural concept. This encompasses layout, store plans, and sections. Ektoras Real Estate offers varied levels of project complexity in design, swiftly procures construction permits, and facilitates project registration with Greek authorities. The project’s square meter pricing is distinct from the design development cost, starting at 1000 euros based on project intricacies.
Leveraging a wealth of experience and the expertise of our competent staff, Ektoras Real Estate efficiently strategizes and manages construction endeavors in Greece. We assure timely and skillful project completion tailored to our clients’ unique demands.